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Mommy Body

Disclaimer: there are some graphic photos below regarding post partum recovery. Proceed at your own risk!

I believed it. I knew it was possible. God made it happen.

July 2022 I gave birth to my first child. For privacy reasons I will not share their picture online, but I do want to share my testimony on how motherhood has helped me grow closer to God.

This is me pre-baby:

In this picture I was extremely insecure about my body and looking back I wish I could shake myself out of it! I spent my skinny years thinking I was fat like it's just ridiculous to me now.

Growing up I was always active. I played tennis. I had a basketball court in my backyard so I was always outside playing basketball or just dancing in the snow like I was in an Usher music video. Dont judge me I love to dance!

So when I found out I was pregnant. I was worried. Mostly about gaining weight and what my body would look like after delivery.

This is me pregnant:

I was 200lbs+ in this photo. It was hard to get up steps like it was crazy.

This is me right after delivery:

Needless to say I was surprised that most of my weight did not go away after giving birth. I was 220 lbs going in for the c-section and when I gave birth I dropped to 212 lbs. That is the heaviest I've ever been in my life.

Two months after delivery and once I was cleared by my doctor, I started working out again. 3-4 times a week. I counted calories everyday and over the first five months post partum I had lost 40 lbs.

I kept track of my progress and what I ate and plus I was breastfeeding and the weight just disappeared.

I stopped looking at my body as being ruined and looked at it as in recovery. Pregnancy changes every fiber of your being. Instead of thinking I was punishing myself by dieting I told myself I'm giving my body what it deserves not what it wants. It deserves nutrients, water, and rest. All things it needs to get it back to the figure I want.

With God's blessing and patience in my self I dropped all the baby weight and then some.

It's hard work but it's doable. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phillipians 4:13 Kjv) I'm living proof of that.

Comment below where you are in your wellness journey!

**Disclaimer all praise belongs to the one true God, I am merely a conduit, He is the source**

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